Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Daughter, Lydia

Today was my girl's 5th grade graduation. Here she is with her teacher, Mr. Hodgkins. He has been her teacher for two years. The entire class and teacher looped up from 4th grade to 5th together. It has been a great two years.

It is hard to believe that my "little peanut" is going into middle school next year. Where has the time gone?

It seems like yesterday she was toddling around getting into everything. Now, she giggles with her friends about "cute" boys and wants to wear make-up. She even had a boy call her last week and ask her to go see the movie "Kung-Fu Panda" with him and his mom.

Come September, she will have to get up an hour earlier for the bus. Not good, let's just say, my girl is NOT a morning person. I plan on buying her an alarm clock this summer and starting in the middle of August letting her get herself up to the alarm. We will see how that goes.

To all the other parents out there who have been where I am now going, think of me, pray for me. I would love to hear how you all survived puberty with a daughter. LOL


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