Wednesday, June 4, 2008

World's worse blogger?

Well, I am back. I must be the world's worse blogger. It has been since Jan. that I have posted. I am going to try hard to begin posting at least once a week.

This is a top I finished this past week. This will a donation quilt going to a homeless shelter this winter. I really like how the string stars look with the sashings and borders. I have almost enough string HST made to make another. The next one will be sashed and bordered with a teal fabric that I already have set aside.

Here are two small quilts made from the same fabrics. The novelty fabric I got on sale somewhere. I only had a yard of it. I had the blue and pink fabrics in my stash. I started work on the larger quilt and then had a few blocks left over, so decided to make a baby quilt. I managed to use all but a 4" strip of the novelty fabric and all but a 2.5" strip of the pink. Those went right into my boxes of pre-cut scraps. I still have about a half to three quarters of a yard of the blue. the bigger quilt will be bound in the blue and the smaller quilt with the pink.

the larger quilt will be a donation quilt, probably to the Family Crisis Center. The smaller quilt I think I will keep on hand for the next baby that comes along.

This is another child's quilts. The novelty fabric is a remnant that I picked up with all things police. I found the red, off-white and blue in my stash. This quilt will be bound in the red. Very little scraps of these 4 fabrics are left. This will also be a donation quilt. I thought it would be a great quilt for a boy. I think most of my quilts tend to look girlish, so this one was fun.
To update on the Carolina Crossroads quilt mystery from Quiltville, I decided not to set mine on point. Also, instead of two quilts I am making one. It will be at least a queen if not a king sized. The top is about halfway put together. I know exactly who I want to give this quilt to, so I am very pleased with how it is turning out.
That is what I have been up to lately. What is going on with you all?
Keep Sewing!!


Mavie_q said...

yeah!!! the tops and quilts came out great!! good to see u posting!!! hugs mave waiting eagerly for our next get together with Paula!!! hug!! mavie

Mary Johnson said...

They all look great Darlene but you know I'm partial to the string star!